drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

New Delhi, India


drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the difference between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery?

A: Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by health insurance because it is elective.

Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. In general, reconstructive surgery is performed to improve function and to restore or approximate a normal appearance.

Reconstructive surgery is typically covered by most health insurance policies, although coverage for specific procedures and levels of coverage may vary greatly.

Q: How do I know if I'm choosing a good surgeon?

A: Look for the following criteria:

  • The surgeon should be board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This certification means they have graduated from an accredited medical school, have the required training in the specialty or sub-specialty from an accredited residency program, and have passed a rigorous set of comprehensive exams, or should have similar qualifications from other countries.
  • The surgeon should have experience performing the type of procedure that you are seeking and meet continuing medical education requirements.
  • The medical facility, where the surgeon operates, should have all the facilities needed for the procedure to be in good standing.
  • The surgeon should willingly share examples of his previous work.

Q: What is the cost of plastic surgery?

A: The cost for the procedure will vary depending on the procedure and if multiple procedures are performed at the same time. The training, expertise and experience of the treating surgeon are major factors for the cost, as well as, where the procedure is performed.

We offer a package rate on most of our cosmetic procedures; this includes a set fee for the surgeon, surgical suite and anesthesia.

Q: Am I a Good Candidate for Surgery?

A: Although being in good general health and prepared emotionally and financially for plastic surgery are good indicators that you may be ready for surgery, determining whether you are a good candidate for plastic surgery requires an individual consultation with a plastic surgeon. At KAS Medical Center, we treat each patient as the unique individual they are and fully discuss your goals and options to help you determine if plastic surgery is the right choice for you right now.

Q: Should I Quit Smoking Before Surgery?

A: Yes. You should stop smoking before surgery. It is not only good for your overall health to give up cigarettes, it will also aid your recovery from surgery. If you are a smoker, it is important to be honest with your plastic surgery about your smoking habits because smoking can have such a significant effect on your recovery.

Q: When may I schedule surgery?

A: You may schedule your procedure with our surgery scheduler as soon as you feel ready to proceed.

We will try our best to work with you in accommodating your schedule.

We will see you again prior to surgery to again review your goals, review the procedure and the postoperative course.

Q: How do I prepare for surgery?

A: We will give you instructions to prepare for surgery. These instructions will include guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications for a specific time before surgery. Some tests may be recommended prior to your procedure. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure to be performed, and any risks and potential complications of your surgery. If you do not understand something or have any questions, please ask your surgeon. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days, if needed.

Q: What can I expect following surgery?

A. You will most likely feel tired and sore for a few days following your surgery. Your surgeon may prescribe medication to help control most of your discomfort. He/she will also give you a detailed explanation of what to expect based on your procedure. This will include specific instructions on healing and activity level.

It is important that you follow-up as directed with your surgeon. He/she will assess your condition and healing process.

We are here to make your procedure or surgery as comfortable as possible for you. We will walk you through the process and be available to answer any questions along the way.

Q: Is plastic surgery painful?

A. Prior to undergoing cosmetic surgery, you will be given either local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or a combination to help you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. You can expect some discomfort, bruising, and swelling during recovery. However, we will provide explicit instructions that can help expedite recovery and minimize discomfort. When necessary, we will prescribe pain medication.

Q: Is plastic surgery safe?

A. When performed by an experienced and reputable surgeon who takes time to confirm that you are a candidate for the procedure you desire, plastic surgery is quite safe. The most significant measure patients can take in ensuring their own safety is to choose an experienced, well-qualified plastic surgeon who is operating in a good facility.

Q: When can I resume normal activities?

A. It is important to understand that everyone heals at a different rate. In addition to your unique capacity to heal, the length of recovery will depend upon the type and number of procedures you receive. We will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your recovery, and the doctor will let you know when it is safe to resume work, exercise, and strenuous activity.

Q: What are the most common aesthetic surgical procedures?

A: The common aesthetic procedures are:

  • Breast Cosmetic Surgeries- Augmentation, Reduction, Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Nose reshaping
  • Eyelid and Face Cosmetic Surgery
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Brazilian Buttock Lift
  • Hair Transplant

Q: What is the recovery from cosmetic surgery like?

A: Each patient tolerates pain after surgery in different ways. Your surgeon will prescribe the appropriate pain medications to help minimize any discomfort. In general, most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort post-operatively. Liposuction is slightly more uncomfortable, and operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles-such as an abdominoplasty or breast augmentation can cause discomfort equal to a C-section.

Q: What should you know about the safety of outpatient surgery?

A: It's important to learn about the safety of a plastic surgery procedure, as well as the expected outcome. Although thousands of people have plastic surgery every year without complications, no surgical procedure is risk-free.

To maximize your safety, ensure the following:

  • Your physician is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or other appropriate medical board. To verify a surgeon's certification status, contact either the American Board of Plastic Surgery or American Board of Medical Specialties.
  • Your physician has hospital privileges. Some surgical procedures can solely be performed in an ambulatory surgical facility. However, it is important to find out if the physician has operating privileges. Regardless of where the surgery is performed, the surgeon should have privileges to perform the procedure in an acute care hospital.
  • The surgical facility uses skilled, licensed personnel to administer and monitor your anesthesia and your recovery immediately following the procedure.

Q: What are the possible risks?

A: Bleeding, infection can occur with any procedure. There may be some scarring. There are other risks associated with any surgical procedures. Find out what they are, how often they occur and how they will be handled if they do occur. If the doctor does not openly discuss the risks or admit that there are always risks, seek another opinion.

Q: Is there anything to do to minimize swelling or bruising?

A: Yes. Depending upon what the procedure, it might make sense to sleep in a reclining (not horizontal) position for one week following surgery to minimize the collection of fluids in the face and eyelids.

Follow the instructions you will be given about making and administering your cold and warm compresses. These will not only reduce bruising and swelling, but they will also maximize and promote healing.