drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

New Delhi, India


drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

Body Rejuvenation Treatment in Delhi

There are several surgical treatments that reverse the signs of aging. Body Lift Procedures restore the body to its youthful appearance, before gravity and time started to show.Breast Lift,Tummy Tuck, Armlift , Thigh Lift and Buttock lift are various procedures which lift the body to give the body better shape and youthful appearance.

  • Breast Lift, known as mastopexy, lifts the breast which start to sag with age and gravity, to look more youthful and perky
  • Tummy Tuck, known as abdominoplasty, tightens the abdominal muscles, removes and excess skin, to give a flat, attractive stomach.
  • Armlift, also known as brachioplasty, an arm lift reshapes the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. An arm lift can lift and tighten up loose skin in the upper arms.
  • Thigh and Buttock Lift, a section of excess skin fat from all around the hip area is surgically removed. Thigh and buttock lifts are ideal for patients who are in relatively good shape with excess skin and fat in the thigh area.
  • Liposuction, removes stubborn pockets of fat which do not go away with diet and exercise. Liposuction helps to contour the body.

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