drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

New Delhi, India


drkashyap +91-9818369662, +91-9958221983

Thigh Lift Surgery in India

If fitness and weight loss efforts have not achieved your goals for a body that is firmer, more youthful-looking and more proportionate to your overall body image, a surgical thigh lift may be right for you.

A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. This surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. Thigh lift is performed under general or epidural anesthesia, as only an inner thigh lift, outer thigh lift or both together.

This procedure can be combined with liposuction or other body lift procedures.

Our body has a tendency to accumulate fat around our thigh region, due to sedentary lifestyles, stress, sitting for long periods of time or just due to genetics. Thighs begin to droop or sag when we lose fat, the aging process, or lack of exercise. To correct this problem, thigh lift surgery in India has become a very popular option. Due to his extensive experience in cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Ajaya Kashyap is one of the most sought after cosmetic/plastic surgeons in India. This makes him the right thigh lift surgeon in Delhi for you. When you have your thigh lift surgery in Delhi with Dr. Kashyap, you receive international level of medical care with exceptional experience. In comparison to other places in the world, thigh lift surgery cost in India is very economical. You are welcome to contact our clinic, to enquire about the thigh lift surgery cost in Delhi.

Tag: thigh lift, thigh lift surgery clinic in delhi, inner thigh lift surgery in delhi, outer thigh lift surgery in india, specialist thigh lift surgeon in india, thighplasty procedure cost in india, thigh lift before and after, cosmetic surgery in india, plastic surgeon in delhi